Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whoops... neglected the blog.

Is there anything more precious and cuter than your own child? I mean, seriously! Look at that face... so damned cute. He's growing fast and I can't believe it's been 2.5 months. We've put him on a bedtime routine, and it's working fabulously. At 8 PM every night he gets his bath, which he loves. Then, it's clean diaper time and a good-night feeding. By 9 PM he's asleep and will sleep until 5:30 AM. It's wonderful. Our days consist of feedings, diaper changings, baths, laughs, hiccups, spit-ups, and love. It's really fun.

If you want more pictures I post them here:




jackie said...

wait--so how's the cloth diaper action going??? or is that a no-go?
harlo really is the cutest--so much personality in his expressions! love it.

Unknown said...

i want to kiss that face so bad