Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Like Mother ... like daughter...

This was my mom in 1977 about 8 months pregnant with ME!!

Thursday I'll be 31 weeks. Yes, true story. I've got 9 weeks left. OMG.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Joys of Sharing...

"Did you feel that??"

"Um.. no."

"Wait, did you feel that???"

"Is that gas??"


For the past few months I have been the only one able to feel the baby move around and do what babies do in utero, and Jacob has been able to feel the small kicks for about one month now- what can we say? The baby loves hisher daddy's voice. But now... friends are able to feel it!! This makes me so happy and it's awesome to watch the reaction. Last night Julia and I were laying on my bed and the baby was rolling around in there, so we put her hand on the area and she felt the movement!! And... she screamed and laughed. It was a great moment. Zia loves her little nephewniece.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I remember a few years ago hearing a story of a woman who named her baby girl... Placenta. That's right... Placenta. I'm not sure what her problem was, but that poor girl is walking around this Earth giving people an image of a bloody organ.

Up until last night I had not given one thought about delivering the placenta. You think, "Oh, the baby's out!!! Give me my baby!!! OH... Phew... the hard work is over! Time to relax..." But, no. You have a few minutes to chill out before the uterine wall starts clamping and cramping down around the organ that provided nourishment to the baby for the past 10 months. A gush of blood comes trickling out and once again, you have to push. Granted, this is nothing compared to passing a child through the birth canal, and it only takes a few minutes compared to the hours of labor. It is the Third Stage of Labor, and an important one.

You gotta love youtube!

Monday, February 18, 2008


This whole pregnancy I have believed the baby to be a boy... I've had a total of 6 dreams now where we have a son. In these dreams the baby is absolutely beautiful and makes me so happy. Becoming a parent is one of the best parts of living. I've learned so much about myself, Jacob, labor & delivery, love & support, and leading a consistent healthy lifestyle. When you're ready, I highly suggest it.

Another side of bliss is stress... last week I was stressed for a few days because the baby wasn't moving as frequently or erratic as before. It brought up a lot of fear and anxiety, which made for restless nights. This, of course, has now changed and the baby is moving harder and more baby-ish.

My hips have started giving me pain, another reason for rest(sleep)less nights. My body is releasing hormones that helps relax and soften my joints and muscles. This is happening to help prepare my body for labor & delivery. I flip and toss and moan for most of the night, but at least my body is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

78 days to go...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

28 Weeks Later...

It kind of scares me that me and the baby have 3 more months to grow. I'm going to need to join forces with the the circus sideshow freaks. For everyone who told me I was small... get a load of the baby belly now. EEK.

BTW- I have 12 more weeks until my due date. TIR... That's like really soon.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Was that a head, or an ass?

This morning around 3:45 am I was woken by a lot of movement happening on the left-side of my body. I placed my hands on the area and felt a totally new and different occurance, a hard and round part of the baby. The hard and round object, which I believe to be the head or butt of our baby, moved from right to left depending on where my hand was placed. It was a close encounter of the natural kind! It felt so so so weird... I can't compare this feeling to anything I've ever experienced, and it's even harder to describe. But let this be said, I definately have a baby in there.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sofa King Real

Totally going to this.

Please watch the trailer:

The Business of Being Born